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Successful collaboration across different cultures and values.

Workshop zu Interkultureller Kompetenz


You sharpen your awareness of your own cultural conditioning and prejudices.

You develop a better understanding of different cultural values.

You will learn about the different aspects of diversity.

They develop strategies on how good cooperation with cultural diversity can be successful and used to advantage.

Cultural Diversity

what it's about

Intercultural and transcultural competence describes the ability to work together successfully and build meaningful relationships with employees from different value systems and cultures. Nowadays, intercultural competence is essential in every organization, as cultural differences can also exist within national borders.


If you are able to communicate effectively with people from different cultures, work in diverse teams, solve problems creatively and value diversity, your workplace will flourish.
We move from a monocultural mindset to a transcultural mindset by learning not to automatically project our own cultural norms onto others. Instead, we acknowledge the diversity of opinions and perspectives by understanding the underlying values behind our behaviors.


In this workshop, you will recognize the cultural diversity in your team and develop more understanding, respect and empathy for different cultural perspectives. You will learn more about your blind spots and begin to recognize (cultural) challenges or pitfalls in your team.


Intercultural and transcultural competence can be learned! Read more about intercultural vs. transcultural here .



Cultural Diversity bunte Illustration

They recognize and understand culturally different value systems.

Cultural Diversity bunte Illustration

They expand their transcultural skills.

Cultural Diversity bunte Illustration

This puts you in a position to design efficient ways of working together.


1 / duration

I usually recommend a half-day workshop for initial sensitization to the topic.


For training with a specific focus, I recommend a one-day workshop, with further half-day workshops as a follow-up.

2 / service package
  • Half-day, full-day workshop or two-day workshop depending on needs and focus​

  • Me as a single trainer or in tandem with co-trainer:in (depending on group size, focus and course language)

  • Course language: either German, English or French

  • Detailed briefing on preparation and goal setting

  • Optionally as a multi-level learning concept (e.g. with e-learning nudges, remote follow-ups, or peer group exchange)

3 / costs

The exact costs are calculated on an order-by-order basis.


Orientation price: CHF 1'150 per half day


After getting to know each other and a preliminary talk, I would be happy to make you an offer.

Have I sparked your interest?

I look forward to your contact. I would be happy to discuss with you how my offer can best be tailored to your needs.

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