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Foto von Sunita Asnani, Cultural Diversity

this is me

I'm Sunita Asnani - Diversity & Inclusion enthusiast, transcultural coach, adult educator and freelance dancer with a background as lic. sc.rel. Sociologist of Religion. 


My heart beats for a society and working world that sees cultural differences as an advantage and knows how to use them.


I am convinced: In today's globalized world, we all have to learn to be different together. 

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My story

As a Swiss-Indian seconda, I was born in Switzerland and grew up with my Indian parents. For many years I have lived with my husband and partner in my favorite city, Bern.


In addition to my work as a transcultural coach, I have been developing and moderating workshops and participatory events for over 10 years, in which topics such as diversity, inclusion, culture, identity or encounters are renegotiated and reflected on as equals.


It is particularly important to me that learning not only takes place in the mind, but also in the heart and body.

professional stations

2016 - today

Diversity & Inclusion Consultant / Communications. Since 2016: Development of the program as a social lead, social counselor, lead job coaching and. Powercoders is an ICT work integration program for people with a refugee or migration background.

2017 - today

Transcultural coaching, training & consulting for various organizations such asremote coders,Department of Justice and Security Canton LucerneINSPIRATIONABLE,Beyond Gravity,formation ARC-Suisse,SINGA,Competence Center Integration Thun  and many others. 

2010 - 2016

Head of department, project co-leader and trainer in three language and integration programs for people with a refugee or migration background. Responsible for more than 65 employees.  

have i sparked your curiosity?

Find out more about my workshops and my coaching and consulting services.

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